
Hey there, I'm happy you found my little library. I'm Josh, a CS student at my local Uni. Discordwrap is my honors project, which started as a tiny python library for a discord bot I made in a prior class.


A few years prior to this project, I started my true cs journey by making a little discord bot that let users give each other reputation with slash commands like /thank and /curse. At the time, I used the main discord library discord.py.

What started as a small for-fun project quickly grew into something much larger. The following semester at Uni, I used this side project as the basis for a semester project for a class called database management. This completely changed the bot, adding things like new commands, rank systems, a UI for the community, etc. The next semester I again had a class that required a semester project, and rewrote the project for a third time, with even more features, and less dependencies from other libraries.

Both of these projects were team projects (Shout out Matt and Will <3), and that taught me so much as a developer. For anyone looking to get into CS, go make something, even if its as simple as a calculator. Then make it again, and again, each time adding more features. I promise you will not forget it.

This multi semester project was called Reppo. He is no longer alive sadly, however maybe one day we will bring him back to life. During our time working on Reppo is when I first took a stab at making a python library. It is not easy, specifically if you have no idea what your doing. Fast forward a few years, and I now own a company called Brunus Labs (opens in a new tab), a software engineering consulting firm.

Working on customer contracts, I quickly found a need in the discord developer community that was curiously unresolved. I could not find a good python library that just sent messages to Discord without the need for an actual bot, where webhooks just did not cut it. For example, if you have some python script that you want to send messages to discord every time some event happens, what would you do?

That is where Discordwrap fits. Discordwrap is made for projects that are not bots themselves, and do not depend on user interactions over the discord websocket. Discordwrap takes care of simplifying web requests, asynchronous code, and rate limiting so that you don't have to.